Outdoor Play Structures



Wood is back in a big way! Connect with the elements of nature and create something unique. Swing sets, Log climbers, zip-lines, etc. 


Metal playgrounds have become the new standard and we do them exceptionally well. These playgrounds are highly durable and have lots of play value. Whether you are looking for high quality waterplay, tayplay climbing cones, monkey bars, track rides, stepping pods, spinning rock poles, or spinning pogo pods we have a wide variety of activities to meet your needs.


Why settle for a playground when you could have an enchanted castle, a giant dinosaur or a pirate ship? Let’s get creative and find a theme for your playground

  • Close your eyes and remember what it felt like to be in your favourite place to play as a child... Where were you? What did you do there? What brought you joy? Excitement? Thrill? Challenge? What made you want to stay all day? What was it that made you need to come back for more time in this space? 

    Working with Peak Play Consulting Corp. you will be asked these questions about yourself and then about your desires for your project. Why? Why do it? What Purpose is it going to serve? What motivates you to create this space? 

    Then we can get to work. Establishing the parameters of space, time and budget. Bringing to bear over 30 years of experience on your built or re-naturalized play environment is what we do. 

    Play and development opportunities, flow, function, aesthetics, safety, durability, maintenance.... essentially creating the ideal design for your space. Then project management consulting through to fruition.

    It all starts with a conversation and, Ideally a walk through your space and a realistic conversation about possibilities.

    Then we create an agreement and get to work.

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